About Us
The Social Quest (TSQ) is a ‘thinking space’ which is an outcome of extensive deliberations that had taken place among its founders in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) during their doctoral research period. As part of their research journey three researchers Shankar, Suraj and Devanjan encountered various texts, popular debates, engaged scholars, rich formulations of several social theorists and participated in numerous academic discussions, resulting in broadening their understanding of the discipline. However, the founders knew about the spatial and temporal constraints once they have finished their PhD research and moved out to different places to further their professional endeavours. To minimize the effect of these constraints on their regular critical discussions and deliberations, a virtual thinking space – The Social Quest was born. The Social Quest has been formed by these independent scholars, who aim to bring together scholarships and researching people engaged in exploring, understanding and explaining the contemporary social, cultural, anthropological, historical, political and economic conditions of human practices, institutional endeavours, beliefs, imaginations, collective anxieties and aspirations. This platform seeks to explore these heterodox issues being settled and unsettled by a range of new analytical and empirical contributions. It aims to navigate through theorization, provocation and contestation of theories, debates and legacies in social sciences. The blog is an attempt to bring together diverse scholars, activists, and philosophers to engage in critical discussions and analyses of concrete issues of contemporary times. It seeks to examine the gaps in the practice of sociology, and its research, teaching and policy concerns.